Missouri State Testing
The Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) assesses students’ progress toward mastery of the Missouri Learning Standards which are the educational standards in Missouri. The Grade-Level Assessment is a yearly standards-based test that measures specific skills defined for each grade by the state of Missouri.
Who takes the Grade-Level Assessment?
All students in grades 3-8 in Missouri will take the grade level assessment. English Language Arts and Mathematics are administered in all grades. Science is administered in grades 5 and 8. A few groups of students may be exempt from certain portions or all of the assessment. Those include:
- Students whose IEP teams have determined that the MAP-A is the appropriate assessment do not have to take the Grade-Level assessment.
- English Language Learners (ELL) who have been in the United States 12 cumulative months or fewer at the time of administration may be exempted from taking the English Language Arts portion. All other content areas must be assessed.
- Foreign exchange students are allowed, but are not required to take the assessment. This is a district decision.
- Homeschooled students may take part in the assessment at the local district's discretion.
- Private school students are not required to take the Grade-Level assessment.
End-of-Course assessments are taken when a student has received instruction on the Missouri Learning Standards for an assessment, regardless of grade level. For the 2017-2018 school year, all EOC assessments are available only online, unless a student's IEP indicates that a Braille, Large Print, or Paper/Pencil form is needed. Missouri's suite of available End-of-Course assessments includes: English I, English II, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, American History, Government, Biology and Physical Science.
Since the 2014-2015 accountability year, districts must ensure that students completed EOC assessments in Algebra I, English II, Biology, and Government prior to high school graduation. For students who complete the Algebra I EOC assessment prior to high school, Algebra II is the required high school mathematics assessment for accountability purposes.
Missouri DESE Assessment Links:
MO Department of Elementary and Secondary Education - Assessment
MO Department of Elementary and Secondary Education - Student Practice Test
MO Department of Elementary and Secondary Education - MAP Grade Level MAP
MO Department of Elementary and Secondary Education - MAP EOC
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 is the English language proficiency assessment that Missouri has selected to meet the requirement of No Child Left Behind to annually assess Missouri's students who are eligible for EL (English Learner) services. ACCESS 2.0 will allow educators, students, and families to monitor students’ progress in acquiring academic English in the domains of speaking, listening, reading, and writing and will be aligned with the WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards. Results also are calculated to determine if the district has met the AMAOs (Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives).
ACCESS 2.0 offers three assessments:
- Online assessment for students in grades 1-12
- A Paper-Based Kindergarten assessment that comes in a kit with manipulatives
- The Alternate ACCESS. The Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, is an assessment of English language proficiency for students in grades 1 – 12 who are classified as ELs and have significant cognitive disabilities (those who do or would qualify for MAP-A) that prevent their meaningful participation in the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 assessment. The assessment is based on Alternate Model Performance Indicators (AMPIs), which provide expectations of what students should be able to process and produce at a given Alternate ELP level.
More information about the summative ELP assessments can be found in the tabs below labeled ACCESS 2.0, K-ACCESS and Alt. ACCESS. Additionally information can be found in the LEA Guide to ELP Assessments.
Upon enrollment, Missouri LEAs are required to give a home language survey or questions on an enrollment form. The questions are:
- What was the student’s first language?
- Which language(s) does the student use (speak) at home and with others?
- Which language(s) does the student hear at home and understand
If the answer to any of these questions notes a language other than English is either spoken or understood, or if an LEA feels that a child might have an English language learning need due to unreported exposure to another language, the student is potentially an English learner and the district must take active steps to determine if the student qualifies for language instruction educational program (LIEP). Every potential EL identified by the Language survey is required to be screened.
More information about the Kindergarten W-APT Screener and the 1-12 Online Screener can be found in the tab below labeled Screener and in the EL Screening Process Guide.
MO Department of Elementary and Secondary Education - ACCESS for ELLs