Virtual Learning
- Characteristics of a Successful Virtual Learner
- Enrollment Procedures
- Scheduling
- Schedule Changes K-8
- Schedule Changes 9-12
- No Show Procedures
- State Testing
- Seniors and Graduation
- Virtual Attendance and A+
- Liberty Virtual (grades 9-12)
- Missouri Course Access Program (MOCAP)
Characteristics of a Successful Virtual Learner
- Excellent time management skills (1-hour of work per day per course 5-days a week)
- Effective communication skills (ability to ask for/seek out help)
- Independent study habits (self-discipline to maintain a schedule and complete work without direction)
- Self-motivation (strong desire to learn, acquire skills/knowledge, and fulfill assignments)
- Academic readiness (basic reading, writing, math and computer literacy skills needed for success in a virtual course)
- Technologically prepared (ability to utilize Word, Excel, Google Sheets/Docs, and various technology tools
It is critical virtual students understand they are more accountable for their time, performance, and productivity in a virtual class.
Enrollment Procedures
- Students must be residents of and enrolled in Liberty Public Schools to participate in any virtual course through LPS
- Parents should contact the school's counselor (6-12) or building administrator (K-5) to pursue possible enrollment in virtual programming
- A meeting will be scheduled with the counselor/building administrator to determine student eligibility
- The school may deny a student/parent request for virtual learning at district cost if one or more of the following is true:
- The student has previously earned credit in the requested course (LPS will not pay for retakes to obtain a higher passing grade)
- The virtual course is not capable of generating academic credit (grades 9-12)
- The virtual course is inconsistent with the remaining graduation requirements of the student
- The student has not met the prerequisite of coursework for a requested course.
- The student has failed previous a virtual course or courses
- The course enrollment request does not occur within the timelines established by Liberty Virtual, Launch, MOCAP provider, or the school district
- The student will not be allowed to exceed the number of courses that a face to face student would be enrolled in via LPS
- Students who have both face to face and virtual courses may be required to remain on campus while working on the virtual course(s), depending on when the student's face to face schedule
- This will be determined by the building administrator
- Students wishing to work off campus must provide their own transportation (outside of standard school arrival and dismissal bus routes)
- Liberty Virtual Courses (9-12) are traditional virtual courses. These courses are for credit, earn a letter grade, have set due dates, have a start and end date that match face to face classes, are semester in length, require proctored exams via web conferencing, may include group work and group discussions.
- LAUNCH/MOCAP Courses (K-12) may be traditional or credit recovery and may follow different start dates/end dates. It is up to the student to ensure they complete these courses in a timely manner to avoid issues related to graduation and MSHSAA eligibility.
Schedule Changes K-8
- If the student starts the semester virtually and requests to drop virtual instruction and be placed in a face to face class within the first 5-days, this will be granted but specific course enrollment in grades 6-8 will be based on class sizes/availability.
- If the student starts the semester virtually and requests to drop virtual instruction after the first 5-days, this can take place at the midpoint of the semester (October or March), the student specific courses the student will be enrolled in will be based on class sizes/availability. Building administrators have discretion to allow this earlier than the midpoint of the term if it is determines that virtual learning is not in the student's best interest.
- If a student starts the semester face to face and wishes to switch to virtual instruction, he/she must do so within the first 5-school days of the semester and must enroll in an equivalent course or courses. Building administrators have discretion to allow a student to switch later than 5-days based on the specific student's circumstance; however, there is no guarantee that Launch or another MOCAP provider will allow a late switch.
- For part time virtual students, the virtual course will be scheduled in the hour the face to face class is dropped - the student's schedule will not be rearranged for a more convenient time slot.
- If any student drops virtual instruction during the year to move to face to face instruction, that student will not be placed in virtual instruction for the remainder of that school year and it may impact their ability to apply for virtual learning in future years as well.
Schedule Changes 9-12
- If a student starts a semester in a virtual course but drops it before 5-days, he/she may request a transfer to a corresponding face to face course if space allows
- If a student starts a semester in a virtual course, does no coursework by day 20, and drops the course, he/she will not be enrolled in a corresponding face to face course but will receive no grade for the class
- If a student starts a semester in a virtual course, does some of the work, and drops the course by day 20, his/her current grade may be transferred to a corresponding face to face course if space allows.
- If a student drops a virtual course after 20-schools days have passed, the student will receive an F for the dropped course
- If a student starts a semester face to face and wishes to switch to virtual instruction, he/she must do so within the first 5-school days of the semester and must enroll in an equivalent course or courses. Building administrators have discretion to allow a student to switch later than 5-days based on the specific student's circumstance; however, there is no guarantee that Launch or another MOCAP provider will allow a late switch.
- For part time virtual students, the virtual course will be scheduled in the hour the face to face class is dropped - the student's schedule will not be rearranged for a more convenient time slot.
- Students dropping virtual high school courses during the year to move to face to face instruction may or may not be allowed to be placed in virtual instruction for the remainder of that school year and it may impact their ability to apply for virtual learning in future years as well. This would be determined based on the number of virtual courses dropped and failed both in the current term and historically.
No Show Procedures
- Liberty Virtual - Students who fail to login for 20 consecutive days may be dropped from the class at the instructor's request
- Launch/Other MOCAP providers - Students who fail to meet the expectations of their provider will be dropped upon the provider's request. These are decisions made outside of LPS but are honored by LPS.
- A students who is dropped from any virtual option based on this No Show practice will not be considered eligible for virtual instruction for at least the remainder of the year.
State Testing
- All virtual students enrolled in a a course/grade level that requires MAP/EOC testing will be required to participate in State testing. This likely means the student must be physically present to complete required MAP/EOC testing as established by LPS, LAUNCH, or the other MOCAP provider. Failure to participate in a required MAP/EOC test will make the student not eligible for future virtual instruction.
Seniors and Graduation
- The senior year is a busy year and includes a host of deadlines pertaining to the end of the year and graduation.
- Senior grades are due prior to the normal end of the second semester.
- Liberty has an agreement with Launch in which we ask for senior grades to be updated by a set date which will be communicated, this date will be before your course is scheduled to conclude. This means LPS will pull your Launch grade the morning after the deadline and that will be used as your official grade and to determine if you are eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony. Students who fail to graduate due to a low grade may continue to work to bring a failing grade up to passing as long as LAUNCH allows and LPS will accept a passing grade when grades are done for students in 9th-11th grade.
- Liberty does not have an agreement with other MOCAP providers and it will be the student's responsibility to ensure LPS receives grades by the date/time senior grades are due from LPS teachers. Failure to do so may prevent the student from walking at graduation.
Virtual Attendance and A+
- The A+ program requires students to have 95% attendance for their cumulative high school experience
- The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education allows Districts to count any virtual class as 94% attendance for the purpose of funding
- The State and A+ program have indicated that virtual attendance should count as 95% attendance for A+ purposes. This means it neither counts for nor against your attendance calculation for A+ purposes. The PowerSchool A+ page does not show attendance for virtual courses as the effectively have no impact on A+ attendance.
Liberty Virtual (grades 9-12)
- According to a U.S. News report in 2016, more than 5.8 million college students were enrolled in online courses. That number continues to increase. As we prepare students for college readiness, we believe having the option to take online courses is important for students. We are excited to share that Liberty Public Schools began offering semester and year-long online courses during the 2018-19 school year. If you are interested in taking a class through Liberty Virtual or through another approved vendor, please see your guidance counselor.
- Students take online classes for three main reasons:
- Credit Enhancement - The student wants to take a course for the first time and online allows for more flexibility in their schedule
- Credit Recovery - Student did not pass the course and needs to repeat that course or something comparable
- Credit Acquisition - The student is behind in credits
- Current course offerings may be seen below. Space in classes is limited and preference will be given to juniors and seniors who need credits to graduate. Students who take a Liberty Virtual course have the flexibility to complete the course off campus if they maintain a passing grade.
Liberty Virtual Courses
Missouri Course Access Program (MOCAP)
MOCAP: Missouri Course Access Program
The Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program (MOCAP) is in the process of developing a course catalog of virtual online courses for students statewide. Students will be able to take an entire course from any Internet-connected computer, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
MOCAP’s mission is to offer Missouri students equal access to a wide range of high quality courses and interactive online learning that is neither time nor place dependent.
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the State Board of Education oversee administration and quality assurance activities such as related content and delivery of courses.
Missouri-certified teachers facilitate MOCAP courses. MOCAP provides Missouri students with equal access to a wide range of coursework, anywhere, any time.
Courseware Providers may be found on the Parents and Students MOCAP Page: Pay special attention to Course Providers vs Full-Time Providers. Students may enroll with a full time provider on their own without discussing with LPS staff; however, if they do so and are accepted LPS will receive a transfer request and your student will be transferred to the host school district, will no longer be considered an LPS student, and will have to return all LPS technology and materials.
To apply for MOCAP through LPS, please follow the procedures below:
- Read the virtual course student/parent handbook.
- Fill out the Request to Enroll in Virtual Course handout.
- Schedule a time with the student’s assigned counselor/administrator.
- If a student is approved, the counselor will provide next steps for enrollment.
- If a student is not approved for MOCAP, the student has a right to appeal. See below for that process.
Student Appeal Process:
If the district decides it is in the best educational interest of the student not to take MOCAP courses, the district shall inform the student and the student’s family of their right to appeal to the school board. The following process will then occur:
- Family presents their reasons for their child or children to enroll in MOCAP to the Director of Advanced Studies.
- Both the family and school administration shall also provide their reasons in writing and the documents will be retained by the Director of Advanced Studies.
- The Director of Advanced Studies shall issue his/her decision in writing within 30-calendar days.
- Only MOCAP courses offered during the regular school year are eligible for appeal.
- The appeal process does not apply to summer school or virtual courses that are not MOCAP approved.
- Liberty Public Schools does not have a say in a parent/student's application to a hosted MOCAP program and students may seek out this opportunity regardless of the LPS decision. It is important to note that hosted MOCAP providers may also deny an application.