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Welcome to the Liberty Public Schools Dashboard

At Liberty Public Schools, we are committed to preparing students for success in a rapidly changing world by providing continuous, adaptive, and relevant learning experiences. Our educational approach integrates foundational academic skills with essential personal, professional, cultural, and entrepreneurial competencies, ensuring that our students are well-equipped for the future. We recognize that strong relationships among families, staff, students, and community partners are vital in creating meaningful learning opportunities. Our educators serve as teachers, sponsors, mentors, and coaches to guide students on their educational journeys and life's pursuits. Leadership within our district is defined by actions that inspire passion and empower individuals to reach their full potential. By investing in the growth and expertise of our LPS team, we foster an environment where everyone can THRIVE. Our learning ecosystem spans across the Kansas City area, Missouri, and the United States leveraging partnerships to enable us to provide Real World Learning experiences that connect students to their interests and passions. Together with our community, we are committed to instilling hope in our students about their futures and all of the possibilities that lie ahead.


Success Ready Students Network

In August 2023, the Missouri State Board of Education unanimously approved the first-ever Innovation Waiver for 20 school districts and one charter school in the state. This groundbreaking decision allows the participating districts, collectively known as the Success-Ready Students Network (SRSN), to implement alternative assessment methods for measuring student achievement instead of relying solely on the end-of-year Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) tests. This initiative emerged from years of research conducted by education practitioners in collaboration with education officials from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). The three-year pilot program enables these districts to use more frequent, adaptive assessments that provide timely feedback to teachers and students throughout the school year. This innovative approach represents a significant shift in Missouri's educational landscape toward a more personalized, competency-based learning mindset rooted in real-world learning experiences.

SRSN logo


What is Competency-Based Learning?

Competency-Based Learning is a rigorous, student-centered approach that empowers learners to progress through an integrated learning journey based on their evidence of mastery, utilizing personalized learning paths and meaningful, authentic experiences to demonstrate transferable skills and knowledge adaptable to real-world contexts.



Competency-Based Learning in LPS

SRSN Accountability Measures

In Liberty Public Schools, the i-Ready interim assessment is utilized to keep students and parents informed about each student’s learning progress. Additionally, i-Ready supports teachers in delivering effective instruction. These interim assessments are administered to students in grades 3-8 for English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. The following data provides insight into our students' progress in these areas.



Describes the extent to which a student's growth trajectory estimates they are "on track" to
demonstrate a foundational understanding of grade level standards by the end of that academic year.


Academic Readiness

This describes a student's level of academic content knowledge at a point in time. 


Academic Readiness and Growth

This quadrant combines the academic readiness measure with the growth measure to
describe the extent to which students are growing as expected to demonstrate
understanding of grade level standards.


The data below can be filtered by school, subject, student demographic and the previous innovative accountability measures.

My embedded Tableau visualization

End-of-Course (EOC) Data

Students in Missouri, including Missouri Options Program students, have four End-of-Course assessments that are required prior to high school graduation: Algebra I, Biology, English II and Government. Optional assessments are available for local accountability in Algebra II, American History, English I, Geometry, Personal Finance, and Physical Science. For students who complete the Algebra I EOC assessment prior to high school, Algebra II is the required high school mathematics assessment for accountability purposes.

First page of the PDF file: SRSNEOCVisualizationTemplate725242

College, Career, and Workplace Readiness

Real World Learning

Real World Learning (RWL) in Kansas City is an initiative designed to connect students with meaningful, hands-on learning experiences that prepare them for future careers and life beyond the classroom. It is part of a broader regional effort, involving various school districts, businesses, and community organizations, aimed at equipping students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Market Value Assets (MVAs)

Graduation Rate

The student graduation rate is calculated by data submitted through the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education core data platform. The score is calculated based on the percent of students who complete an educational program that meets the graduation requirement of 24 credits. Students may complete requirements in 4 but no more than 7 years in Missouri. LEAs required reporting aligns with DESE’s current practice (4- year and 5-year).

group of 2024 high school grads in caps and gowns


Graduation Follow-Up

The Follow-Up rate measures the extent to which the students of an LEA or school pursue gainful opportunities after graduation. Points in this category are awarded to graduates who meet one of the five identified categories in the indicator: college enrollment, trade/technical school, employment, military service, and/or National or Community Service or Peace Corps.




For more information about Liberty Public Schools and state accountability measures visit the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) website on the left.