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Job Olympics

Job Olympics

Job Olympics is not only a fun and engaging activity with friends, but also a pivotal part of transition to a post-secondary lifestyle.  Job Olympics provides an opportunity for students with developmental disabilities to showcase their talents to potential employers. Often, students with significant needs  struggle to realize their vast array of options after graduation. These students possess an immense amount of potential – Job Olympics is an avenue for students to harness their abilities and show employers they are ready for the workforce!

This ever-growing program involves over 130 students from 10 schools throughout the Northland.   Throughout the day, students compete in events such as dish washing, stocking shelves, paper shredding, cashier skills, bagging groceries, child care, data entry, custodial skills, and many more. The goal of these events is to engage students in a wide variety of job skills that play to their strengths.

Students also wear appropriate professional attire, complete job applications, and participate in a formal interview with an employer which mirrors  a real job interview. The goal is to provide opportunities for students to enhance the job skills which lead to post-secondary employment.

Job Olympics is held in the Spring at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church in Liberty.  It is kicked off with various school mascots leading the opening ceremony. Students demonstrate sportsmanship by cheering on their classmates during the events.  Students participating in Job Olympics receive either a medal or a ribbon. The day as a whole is a tremendous amount of fun for everyone!

Job Olympics offers students a way to express themselves while engaging in friendly competition with their peers.  The pride students have in their job accomplishments is reflected by the smiles on their faces throughout the day.  

For more information about Job Olympics you can contact Jessica King at