Library Media
LPS Libraries: Read, Research, Create
Vision: The Liberty Public Schools library media program empowers students to become critical thinkers and readers who are empathetic and discerning users of information.
The LPS Library Graduate Profile aligns to the district graduate profile and shows how students can gain a variety of experiences to help them THRIVE through their school library.
District-wide library programming includes innovative student experiences including the STEAM Birds program and Robots for classroom use.
Links to specific LPS Library Resources by level are available through each school library's website.
In addition to LPS-provided resources, students have access to Mid-Continent Public Library Resources.
Username is the same as the LPS username. For database access, the password is the student's last name. For book checkout, the password is the student's birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy).
Information about current library practices including student choice, options for parents to restrict their children from specific books, MCPL digital cards, and how books are circulated between buildings can be found on the Library Media Parent Information page.
Library Media Contacts
Andrea Sumy, |
Jeanette Priebe, |