Library Parent Information
Families have varying preferences and needs and each library is maintained to provide the books and resources that meet those varying needs and preferences. Parents are encouraged to direct their children’s reading through open dialogue about what they want them to read or not read.
Students in LPS learn from librarians at every level that they have choice in what they read and do not read. Librarians share with students frequently that if they check out a book that they are not interested in or that makes them uncomfortable that they should return it. Students are empowered to choose which books to read and are free not to choose or to abandon any book that is not a good fit for whatever reason. The following documents represent the rights and responsibilities of a reader that are shared at each level.
- Rights and Responsibilities of a Reader-Elementary
- Rights and Responsibilities of a Reader-Secondary Bluejays
- Rights and Responsibilities of a Reader-Secondary Eagles
Books in each school library are circulated only to students at their particular level; however and to clarify - if an elementary student requests a book from a middle or high school library that is not already in an LPS elementary library, the book will not be checked out to them without parent permission via a signed form. Conversely, if a high school student requests a middle school book, no form is required.
Parents have the option to restrict their child(ren) from reading specific print books by communicating via email with the school librarian. The restriction is then noted in the student’s account in the library circulation system so that each time they come to the library for checkout the restriction is evident to the library staff member.
Mid-Continent Public Library Partnership
Through an agreement with Liberty Public Schools, Mid-Continent Public Library provides a digital access account for all LPS students with parent permission. This account allows students to use their LPS username to access books and digital resources to support their learning. Resources include research databases, homework help, ebooks, digital sound books, digital magazines, online courses, language learning resources, and more. Multiple MCPL resources are used during instruction by teachers and librarians. The digital cards that MCPL provides do not conflict with personal library cards that students may already have. Parents authorize the digital MCPL account through the LPS online registration process.
Notices regarding holds will be sent via email. Overdue reminders and notices about items considered lost or damaged will be sent by mail. If a student has been billed for a lost item, and they return the item to an MCPL book drop or branch, the charge will be removed. An overdue fee of up to $1 for each item may remain. Damaged items will also be billed via mail. More information about MCPL’s overdue fees and lost or damaged item bills can be found here:
Library Media Surveys
Each year in January, school librarians deploy surveys to students about the library media program in each school. Results from this survey are used to improve library programs, instruction, and collections (both print and digital). The questions can be viewed here: Elementary Student, Secondary Student. Like other surveys your child has participated in during their time in Liberty Public Schools, you can elect to decline your student’s participation. The LPS Parent Survey Decline Form is sent out each August and includes the option to decline Library Media Survey participation. Information about the survey and a link to the decline form is also sent out through building communications in December. Additional information, including LPS policies regarding surveys can be found on the LPS Assessment website under District Survey Information.
Please email Mrs. Andrea Sumy, Director of Library Media Services at if you have any questions.