Become a sponsor
- Choose the school(s) you would like to sponsor
- Choose the venue(s) you would like to sponsor
- Multi-Year contracts
- Different size packages available
- Payment plans available to fit your budget
- Peace of mind that your sponsor dollars are going directly to Liberty Public Schools
- Packages are per school and per venue
- Tina DeGarmo - (816)309-1052 or Sponsorships@lps53.org
- Jeff Knold - (816)868-8165 or jeff.knold@lps53.org
- Darren Whitley - (660)528-0483 or darren.whitley@lps53.org
Sponsorship Packages
A note to our sponsors
Patrons of Liberty Public Schools, district administration, administrations of Liberty and Liberty North High Schools, the fine arts department (staff and students), athletic departments, coaches, athletes, Sports Marketing students and the student body of both schools would like to thank our Fine Arts, Activity Complex and Field House sponsors for your financial and academic support. Your contributions have revolutionized the standard of the high school athletic experience for the participants and the spectators. Your contributions have also provided a learning environment unparalleled in other districts through our Sports Marketing program.
We sincerely thank you!